The Alternative Story

the alternative story

What kind of therapy options can I access?

There are numerous types of therapies and therapeutic approaches that are out there today. Selecting the right type of therapy for you is dependent on your mental health concerns and needs. Different approaches focus on different aspects of the individual, for example; Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on thought patterns and core beliefs, Psychodynamic approaches focus on the unconscious workings behind a person, humanistic approach focuses leading the individual to their full potential to lead a fulfilling life, and so on.

A therapist can also help you choose the kind of therapy you can opt for based on your case, sometimes a combination of a few different approaches can also be used for therapy. You can read more about the types of therapy here. Based on your needs, you can also access group therapy, couples therapy, animal assisted interventions or art therapies. 

There are no limits to the kinds of therapy that you can have access to. It always depends on things like finding the right mental health professional with the specialization you have in mind, the nature of your concern, your budget etc.

By Nancy, an intern at The Alternative Story

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