The Alternative Story

the alternative story

Can some people be more susceptible to depression and/or anxiety?

Yes, there are some situations and conditions wherein a person can be more susceptible to mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety:

  • Genetics and brain chemistry: There are certain genetic conditions that can cause an imbalance in the brain causing disruption in emotional regulation and perception, leaving the individual vulnerable. It has also been observed that people with primary family members (parents, grandparents, and siblings) who have severe mental illnesses have a greater chance of developing those illnesses too.

  • Physical illnesses and lifestyle: There are many chronic pain conditions and illnesses that are linked with depression and anxiety. Sometimes medication that one takes for their physical ailments can also cause imbalances making them susceptible to mental illnesses. Unhealthy lifestyle choices can also lead to increased susceptibility. 
  • Socioeconomic status: People who face financial and/or societal struggles have been shown to be more prone to conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.
  • Environmental factors: Negative individual experiences and inadequate social support during childhood, living in an abusive or unsafe environment, social isolation, undue stress caused by one’s circumstances, etc. can also make people more vulnerable to mental illnesses.

By Nancy, an intern at The Alternative Story

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