The Alternative Story

the alternative story

What are the signs of depression?

Depression, also called clinical depression or major depressive disorder, is a complex condition affecting one’s thought patterns, core beliefs and behaviors. It is primarily characterized by persistent low moods, sadness and loss of interest in one’s own life. 

The signs and symptoms of depression include:

  • Experiencing intense feelings of sadness, emptiness and general low moods
  • A strong feeling of hopelessness that may be experienced with respect to oneself and one’s future
  • Sleep disturbances in the form of insomnia (inability to fall asleep) and/or hypersomnia (sleeping too much); general drop in the quality and restfulness from sleep may also be present
  • A feeling of intense perpetual fatigue where the individual isn’t able to find the energy to do even the smallest of tasks, which may not ease even after sleeping
  • Reduced or increased appetite leading to rapid weight loss or weight gain
  • Loss of interest in one’s own life and even in activities that were previously pleasurable and enjoyable; including sex, hobbies and passions
  • Suicidal ideation, where there are frequent thoughts of death, and even attempts of suicide
  • Feelings of worthlessness about oneself, fixating on past mistakes and failures

These symptoms may appear in frequent episodes, occurring on most days if not everyday. This is not an exhaustive list by any means.

Depression is a serious condition which one cannot just ‘snap’ out of. If you or your loved one seems to be experiencing such symptoms or struggling, do seek help. We encourage you to try to refrain from self-diagnosing, as diagnosis of any mental illness is a dynamic process that should ideally be done with the help of a mental health professional.

By Nancy, an intern at The Alternative Story

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